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Booking Employee Expense Requests#

Once an expense request has been approved. The financial controller/accountant actions the request by making payment to the employee. This payment must be recorded for accounting purposes.


The easiest way is to book the payment to an employee Journal. In this setup, each employee will have an employee journal.

Recording the Payment#

Payments List

To register (book) the expense payment to the employee,

  1. Click on the Accounting left menu, to navigate to the Accounting dashboard.
  2. Click on the Customers -> Payments menu.
  3. Click on the [New] button. In the displayed form,
    1. Select the Internal Transfer checkbox.
    2. Select the Send option.
    3. Enter the Amount, Date, Currency, Memo (This can be the employee request ID).
    4. For Destination Journal, select the employee journal.
    5. Click [Confirm] button. The status will change to Posted.