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Employee Requests#

Ametnes Legal ERP allows employees to request various assets, including physical and financial resources. These requests can be submitted for approval to their line managers or system administrators.


A typical request workflow goes like this/

  1. Employee makes a request indicating the request type as well as a description of the request.
  2. The employee submits the request to their manager for approval.
  3. The manager Approves the request or Rejects it.
  4. The employee gets the request actioned. For example
  5. When requests are made for petty cash, the employee would request the cash from the financial controller.
  6. When the request is for an IT asset such as a laptop, the employee would request the asset from the IT department.
  7. Once the asset has been received, the employee marks the request as Received.

Extra Workflows

When the employee's request has been action and the marked as Received, this could trigger another workflow. For example, for the financial controller, they may create an internal transfer of funds between Accounting journals. For a computer asset, the IT deparment would check the asset out from their asset management system.


To request an expense, in your Ametnes Legal ERP system,

  1. Click on the HR Manager left menu, navigate to the HR management dashboard.
  2. Click on the Employees -> Employee Request menu.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. In the displayed form, enter the following info.
    1. Employee Name: Select the employee.
    2. Manager Name: Select the manager.
    3. Request Date: Select the request date.
    4. Request For: Enter the request purpose.
    5. Click Save manually (Cloud button).
  5. To Submit the request, click Send Request. The status will change to Running.

At this point, a manager or administrator must approve the request. See Approval.


Once the request has been approved by the manager

  1. The financial controller/accountant actions the request by disbursing the funds to the employee. See Booking.
  2. The employee marks the request as received by;
  3. Navigation to the HR Manager left menu, navigate to the HR management dashboard.
  4. Click on the Employees -> Employee Request menu.
  5. Find and click the request from the list of requests.
  6. In the displayed form, click the [Received]. The status will change to Done.